This is the very, very common species in this time of the year, the Glaucous-winged gull Larus glaucescens, photographed from my kayak in Eastern Channel:
This is a picture of mid-altitude forest on Mount Verstovia (it is really hard for me to take pictures of the forest):
On that same hike, a higher spot on the base of Arrowhead Peak, this picture helps understand why mountain hemlocks Tsuga mertensiana grow into krumholz shapes in the alpine area:
This is as far as I made it that day, up to the final traverse. I hadn't brought my crampons so I had to turn around:
And this is what invariably happens when I tell myself "I shouldn't need my snowshoes today..."
This is a scenario within the "Wilderness First Responder" course that I took this spring:
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